Chemical and sensory characteristics of Bunte Deutsche Edelziege and Balkan goat meat


Volume, no: 10 , 80

ISSN: 1684-5315

DOI: 10.5897/AJB11.2485

Stranice: 18433-18439


In this study, chemical composition, colour and sensory characteristics of Bunte Deutsche Edelziege (BDE) and Balkan goat meat were examined. Both species of goats were fed and raised under semi-intensive system of management. Chemical composition (moisture, ash, fat and protein content) and pH value were measured by standard methods and the colour was determined instrumentally. Moisture, protein, fat, ash and colour characteristics were not significantly different in both species of goats. Sensory evaluation revealed that the odour intensity was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in the meat of BDE, whereas, tenderness, softness, taste acceptability and overall impression were significant (P < 0.001) in the meat of Balkan goat. Therefore, it can be concluded that the meat of Balkan goat has better sensory characteristics in relation to the meat of BDE, although chemical composition and colour characteristics were found to be similar in both meat.
Ključne reči: Goat meat, Bunte Deutsche Edelziege, Balkan goat, chemical composition, colour, sensory characteristics