Effects of precipitation and temperatures on crop yield variability in Vojvodina (Serbia)

Časopis: Italian Journal of Agrometeorology

Volume 3

ISSN: 2038-5625

DOI: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289672383_Effects_of_precipitation_and_temperatures_on_crop_yield_variability_in_Vojvodina_Serbia

Stranice: 35-44

Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=Effects+of+precipitation+and+temperatures+on+crop+yield+variability+in+Vojvodina+(Serbia)&rlz=1C1CHBD_enRS920RS920&oq=Effects+of+precipitation+and+temperatures+on+crop+yield+variability+in+Vojvodina+(Serbia)&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.3394j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

The influence of precipitation, mean, maximum and minimum temperatures on maize, sugar beet, soybean and sunflower yields was examined in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia) for the period 1949- 2013. The results showed that growth period precipitation increased by 9 mm decade-1 and mean, maximum and minimum temperatures increased by 0.2 °C decade-1. On a monthly basis, significant precipitation increase was in September (3.9 mm decade-1) and highest temperature increase was in August with 0.3 °C decade-1 for mean, maximum and minimum temperatures. Maize, sugar beet and sunflower yields were strongly correlated with precipitation and temperature during growth period. Growth period precipitation explained 23%, 14% and 12% of interannual variability of sunflower, maize and sugar beet yield, respectively. On a monthly basis, summer months (July and August) precipitation showed significant positive correlation with all crop yields, except soybean. Temperature variables during March, August and September were most responsive for crop yields.
Ključne reči: agriculture, climate change, crop yield, correlation, Vojvodina, Serbia.