Food Flavour as Influence Factor for Balanced Diet for Children

Časopis: Quality of Life (Banja Luka) - APEIRON

Volume 17

ISSN: 1986-602X


Stranice: 55-59


Athiology of some health disorders and diseases, such as obesity, cardio vascular diseases, diabetes and malignant diseases, can be linked to unbalanced diet started from the earliest days of life. For that reasons, it is very important to adopt proper diet patterns from the earliest days of life. There are few factors influencing choice of food. Food flavoure is one among them. Understanding mechanisms, which later make influence how to accept or reject some food in children, in intrauterine development phase, and after birth period, is of vital significance when we create healthy habbits for children and adult diets.
Ključne reči: Prevention, human health, children, food fl avour, food choice
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