Performance Analysis of Transmission Visible Watermarked Image over Zero Boresight Double Ricean Turbulence Channel

Časopis: Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics

Volume, no: 66 , 12

ISSN: 1555-6557

DOI: 10.1134/S1064226922020139

Stranice: 1370-1377


In this paper we have analyzed transmission of visible watermarked image over zero-boresight/double-Ricean turbulence channel. First, we have presented visible watermarking (VWM) algorithm, and algorithm for FSO transmission simulation. Second, we have proposed novel turbulence model, namely zero-boresight/double-Ricean. Finally, we have observed standard performance measures of FSO image transmission, such are bit error rate (BER) and mean square error (MSE) and analyzed them in the function of transmission parameters.
Ključne reči: image processing visible watermark zero-boresight/double-Ricean turbulence channel FSO