Hamiltonianicity of the Towers of Hanoi problem

Časopis: Publications of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Volume 17

ISSN: 0353-8893

Stranice: 31-37

Link: https://doi.org/10.2298/PETF0617031Z

In this paper we analyze a variant of the n-disk Towers of Hanoi problem with an arbitrary starting and ending configuration using transition graphs representing valid configurations. In particular, we show that starting with any configuration, there is a sequence of moves that goes through each valid configuration exactly once and back to the starting configuration. Also, we show how the original Towers of Hanoi problem can be solved in any number of moves between 2^n − 1 and 3^n − 1 inclusive.
Ključne reči: Towers of Hanoi puzzle, combinatorial games, Hamiltonian graphs