Finansiranje izvoznika pod okriljem finansiranja lanca snabdevanja

Autori: Zoran Jović

Časopis: Revizor

Volume, no: 15 , 74

ISSN: 1450-7005

Stranice: 49-59


Recently, during downturns, banks are focusing on the financing of the supply chain and products supply chain finance – SCF. This product provides financial support for the entire supply chain reli­ance on credit ratings of the best and most reliable company in the chain, either on the side of custo­mers or suppliers. The point is that the insulation cash flows provide: predictable cash flow manage­ment, accelerate a turnover, shor­ten the conversion cycle, improve the liquidity of the bank’s clients, and therefore the overall econo­mic system, reduce the credit risk of bank lending and improve the profitability of banks, but also, profitability of their clients.
Ključne reči: financing, export, supply chain, banks, liquidity.