Smanjenje troškova finansiranja obrtnog kapitala primenom koncepta SCF na tržištima u razvoju

Autori: Zoran Jović

Časopis: Revizor

Volume, no: 15 , 76

ISSN: 1450-7005

Stranice: 89-98


The implementation of the concept of ,,supply chain finance“ – SCF created in the developed co untries of the Europe and, later, in difficult economic conditions, transferred to the emerging markets, showed that from the point of shortterm financing costs, this concept is a costcompetitive than lending. This concept includes certain financial products, their caracteristics in different ways reduced the costs of financing working capital, whether it be through a shortening of payment terms, a lower degree of default, using favorable rating of their customers, banks or the performance security and insulation of cash flow through selfpayment transaction.
Ključne reči: financing, working capital, costs, supply chain, banks.