Safety of e-business Applications in Serbia: Applied Knowledge Based on SSL Traffic

Časopis: Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce

Volume, no: 17 , 3

ISSN: 1204-5357

Stranice: 1-18


In this paper the current problems of e-business in the implementation of SSL computer network protocol are presented and analyzed. Today e-business is one of the most common methods of global economy. The paper presents research results on attacks on e-business and computer systems. Authors have analyzed contemporary methods of protection and pointed out to their shortcomings. First part of the paper is in connection with the actual problems of protection of computer networks and presents the current solutions. Second part focuses on the existing problem represented in currently used methods of modern e-business systems. The problem analyzing follows two methods of attacks. Based on the research conducted during paper writing, the authors have organized two seminars on raising awareness about the problems of modern e-business and computer network systems. Based on the discussions and surveys performed throughout the seminars, new information was acquired and those data were further analyzed and presented within the paper. The aim of this paper is to present actuality of the mentioned problem and to contribute to aforementioned security deficiency resolving.
Ključne reči: e-business; computer networks; SSL; HTTP; HTTPS