Strategijsko prilagođavanje turističkih preduzeća

Časopis: Poslovna politika

Volume, no: 32 , 6

ISSN: 0350-2236

Stranice: 38-41


The strategic adjustment of the tourism industry to the market tendencies and demand trends is mostly connected to the hotel capacities and similar (basic) capacities. These capacities make the major part of the accommodation supply and therefore they are the subjects of the special attention in the business policy of the respective companies as well as in the tourism policy of the governmental authorities. Although the classification and categorization of the accommodation capacities, as well as the evidence of tourists` comings and nights, are very different in some countries, there is high, well-known and many times confirmed correlation between the hotel supply and international tourism flows. This is the reason why, in this work, the special attention will be given to the strategic adjustment of the hotel enterprises in the tourism industry of Serbia, in the sense of recognizing the possible strategies for further growth and development.
Ključne reči: stategic,adjustment,tourisam,globalisation,market,demand,changes.
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