Upravljanje komunikacijama u turističkoj privredi

Časopis: Poslovna politika

Volume, no: 34 , 6

ISSN: 0350-2236

DOI: kominikacija,turizam,gost,menadžment

Stranice: 48-51

Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269571898_Upravljanje_komunikacijama_u_turistivckoj_privredi#fullTextFileContent

The complexity of the hotel management process is especially emphasised by the fact that there are numerous factors determining the development of the hotel enterprise, which is under the strong influence of the external factors. Besides, it is important to stress that hotel enterprises face with a numerous competitive pressures. The competitive position is a key strategic issue for each hotel enterprise. Therefore, the management and the development of the communication skills are fundamentally important for the successful hotel management, internally as well as externally. Namely, each decision reached in the hotel enterprise has to be based on the successful communication management. The necessity of communication is the reason why the author has decided to emphasise the importance of the communication process in the hotel enterprise operations, because the recent practice in Serbian hotel industry points to the significant lack in the management of the communication skills
Ključne reči: communication, management, conflicts, skills, negotiation
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