Savremeni koncepti upravljanja turističkim preduzećem

Časopis: Туризам

Volume, no: 2 , 9

ISSN: 1450-6661

Stranice: 76-79

Substantial differences characterize modern trends on the tourist market in the period before and after 1990. There is almost no country in the world that does not reckon seriously with tourism in its economic development. The modern-day tourist is an increasingly “spoiled” consumer of tourist services and his/her requirements are specific and partial. The higher standard of living of the population and an ever greater amount of leisure time, as well as the development of transport technology and service technology in general accounted for important changes in the demand, bringing about considerable changes in the supply, primarily in the adaptation of the tourist product to the requirements of an increasingly sophisticated demand and the changes in the process of marketing management and application. This paper focuses on modern trends on the tourist market and the necessity to apply the knowledge of modern management and marketing.
Ključne reči: Tourism, management, strategy, marketing, globalism.
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