Kompleksnost strategijskog menadžmenta u turizmu

Časopis: Panoeconomicus

Volume, no: 56 , 3

ISSN: 0032-8979

Stranice: 207-220

Link: https://scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0032-8979/2003/0032-89790304207C.pdf

Studying and application of management in tourism, although recently established, represents very complex research area of management that gather and interweave different, not only scientific, but also practical discipl ines: economy, statistics, mathematics, psychology, informative technologies, sociology and many others, that means the interdisciplinary approach is requested. From this point of view, the management is a critical process for the organization, the leadership is the support of the management and all kinds of decision making are the key of leadership. The aim of this work is, to certain extent, in overcoming the gap between normative and empiricist approach, in offering the basic solutions for making strategic and other decisions, thus the basis of the management in tourism, which partly relies on the logical consequences of normative theory and partly on the empiricist findings of'descriptive studies. Therefore, the selection of the tourism enterprise management strategy is specially emphasized and based on that the conclusion that there is not a formula, but each enterprise has to analyse its market position for itself and, according to the formulated strategic goals, to select an adequate strategy.
Ključne reči: strategy, management, tourism interdisciplibary
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