Jensen type inequality for the bipolar pseudo-integrals

Časopis: Fuzzy Sets and Systems

Volume 379

ISSN: 0165-0114

DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2019.04.015

Stranice: 82-101


The main purpose of this paper is to establish conditions under which the Jensen type inequality for the discrete bipolar pseudo-integral is valid. Besides, we extend investigations of the properties of the bipolar pseudo-integral. The observations concern the discrete bipolar pseudo-integrals based on the following three canonical cases of two binary symmetric operations: in the first case, they are generated by an odd, strictly increasing and continuous function, in the remaining two cases a symmetric-addition is the symmetric maximum, while in the second case the corresponding pseudo-multiplication is a non-idempotent operation, and in the third case it is the symmetric minimum.
Ključne reči: Bi-capacity; Symmetric pseudo-addition; Symmetric pseudo-multiplication; Bipolar pseudo-integral; Jensen-Steffensen’s inequality