Social characteritics and conformity of basketball players

Časopis: Exercise and Quality of Life

Volume, no: 2 , 1

ISSN: 1821-3480

Stranice: 77-84


The subject of the present research was relations between basketball players' social characteristics and their conformity toward the coach and club management. The study aim was to explore the relationship between basketball players' social characteristics and their conformity toward the coach and club management. The sample of examinees consisted of 113 adult basketball players. Research instruments were modified social questionnaire SSMAXIP (Hošek, 2004), and modified conformity scale (The Conformity Scale, Mehrabian, & Stefl, 1995). Internal reliability of the conformity scale was á=.74. Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation was used in order to examine the significance of relations between social characteristics and conformity of basketball players. This analysis has shown that significant relationships between the majority of social characteristics and conformity toward coach and club management of basketball players do not exist, indicating that some outer factors contribute to players' high conformity.
Ključne reči: conformity, basketball players, coaches, club management