Differences in motor skills of seventh-grade boys and girls.

Časopis: Acta Kinesiologica

Volume, no: 2 , 7

ISSN: 1840-2976

Stranice: 62-66

Link: http://www.actakin.com/PDFS/BR0702/SUMM/04%20CL%2010%20RK%20SH.pdf

The results of recent studies of primary school students’ motor skills showed existence of constant decline of these skills for both genders. On the other hand, considering differences of motor skills abilities between genders, it has been confirmed in a number of studies that boys had better results than girls. Results of this study, conducted on sample of 150 boys and girls from seventh grade of primary school, are very consistent to those findings, with small differences. Namely, girls had better results in five tests: two flexibility tests (shoulder flexibility–SF and forward bend on the bench–FBB), speed test (foot tapping-FT), one coordination test (arm and leg drumming - ALD) and one balance tests (standing on the reversed balance rail - SRR), which indicates somewhat smaller differences in motor abilities between boys and girls for tested sample.
Ključne reči: boys, girls, motor skills, primary school