Differences in motor skills between women attending personal and group fitness programmes

Časopis: Sport Science

Volume, no: 13 , 1

ISSN: 1840-3662

Stranice: 68-73

Link: https://www.sportscience.ba/pdf/br25.pdf

One of the biggest problems of modern humans is a passive lifestyle and a lack of physical activity. Physical inactivity is more prevalent among women than men, and participation in physical activity decreases as women age. Those women who are physically active usually take part in group or personal fitness exercise programmes. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the differences in motor skills between the two groups of women who attend group and personal fitness programmes. The results of the present study revealed that there were significant differences between the two groups of participants in five out of seven tested variables. Women from the personal fitness programme had better results in strength tests standing broad jump, sit-ups, and bent arm hang, while the women from the group fitness programme were more successful in the flamingo balance test and the shuttle run 10x5 m agility test. Finally, no significant differences were observed between the groups in plate tapping and sit-and-reach (p = 0.43) tests. The presented findings suggest that participation in both the personal and group fitness exercise programmes has its advantages for motor skill improvement and that all clients should choose in line with their personal goals.
Ključne reči: personal fitness, group fitness, physical activity, women