Differences in Motor Abilities Between Preschool Boys and Girls

Časopis: Sport Science

Volume, no: 14 , 1

ISSN: 1840-3662

Stranice: 105-110

Link: https://www.sportscience.ba/pdf/br27.pdf

Lack of physical activity, or hypokinesis, has been addressed from various health-related aspects and documented in many studies worldwide. Hypokinesis is often associated with excessive weight and obesity, which is found even in preschool-aged children. The physical activity level and motor abilities of preschool children have been the subject of many studies in the past two decades. The purpose of the present study was twofold: to examine the differences in motor abilities between preschool boys and girls and to assess the level of their motor abilities. The results of the study indicate that statistically significant differences in motor abilities exist between preschool boys and girls. Preschool boys had better results in two tests: backward obstacle course and bent arm hang, and girls had better results in the sit and reach test. The level of motor abilities for both boys and girls, compared to earlier studies, was lower in four tests for boys, and three tests for girls, but at the same time, it was higher in some other tests. The findings suggest that there is a lot of room for improvement in the level of PA, and consequently motor abilities in today’s preschoolers. Preschool settings should provide many opportunities for preschool children in motor skills development.
Ključne reči: preschool children, physical activity, motor skills