IP Addressing: Problem-Based Learning Approach on Computer Networks

Časopis: IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

Volume, no: 10 , 3

ISSN: 2372-0050

DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2016.2583432

Stranice: 367-378

Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7496957/

The case study presented in this paper describes the pedagogical aspects and experience gathered while using an e-learning tool named IPA-PBL. Its main purpose is to provide additional motivation for adopting theoretical principles and procedures in a computer networks course. In the proposed model, the sequencing of activities of the learning process is grouped into three phases based on educational goals. In this way, the same tool is used on several courses with different curricula. In IPA-PBL, problem-based learning (PBL) is applied as a pedagogical strategy, as well as a set of concrete methods implemented in the software. Together with the pedagogical model, specific domain ontology is designed. In this way, the learner's knowledge can be analyzed in order to collect data necessary for the dynamic adaptation of system behavior. The results collected while using IPA-PBL are compared to those obtained without using the system. Statistical analysis, together with pertaining considerations and conclusions, are also presented in the paper.
Ključne reči: P networks , Adaptation models , Ontologies , Computational modeling , Software tools , Electronic mail