Metodi procene vrednosti intelektualne svojine

Časopis: Ekonomika preduzeća

Volume, no: 53 , 7

ISSN: 0353-443x

Stranice: 306-313

In modern period of knowledge based economy, intellectual property, together with other forms of intangible assets, reflects it's full importance and meaning. Intellectual property takes dominant role in the structure of enterprise asset in developed countries. In modern dynamic environment, full recognition and wide-ranging use of intellectual property, need systematic and reliable valuation. Although, in the last period, great efforts were made towards more serious perception of intellectual property and development of valuation methods, this is not yet well researched area. The aim of this work is to point out new trends in this domain, and to present basic intellectual property valuation methods.
Ključne reči: процена вредности, нематеријална улаганја, интелектуална својина