Evaluation of Competition Policy and Law in Serbia

Časopis: Ekonomika preduzeća

Volume, no: 56 , 3

ISSN: 0353-443x

Stranice: 133-143

The aim of the paper is to analyze the development of competition policy in Serbia starting from the pre-transition period, through the period of political and economic isolation of Serbia to the period of intensified transition process (2000-2008). In the first section we present the general trends in the transition process in Serbia, which is of specific relevance for the introduction of the competition in this former socialist country. Second section deals with the competition policy during the 1990s - the period of political and economic isolation, while the third section analyses the competition policy during the period after 2000. Section four argues in favor of speeding up creation of the regulatory regimes for utilities in the sphere of natural monopolies, and section five concludes.
Ključne reči: competition policy; natural monopolies; liberalization process