Analiza poslovnih rizika i predlog unapređenog modela upravljanja rizicima: perspektiva preduzeća u Srbiji

Časopis: Poslovna ekonomija

Volume, no: 6 , 1

ISSN: 1820-6859

Stranice: 131-151

The paper aims to analyze the risk management issues from the perspective of companies doing business in Serbia. The authors explore the characteristic types of risks and the way they are manifested in practice. Attention is given to global and operating risks, but the focus of analysis is on strategic risks, including entrepreneurial growth risks, risk of technology obsolescence, risk of price and promotional war, vertical integration risk, outsourcing risk, risk of relying on a small number of large buyers or experts, antimonopoly risk, risk of negative synergy, reputation risk, and corporate governance risk. The authors recommend applicable risk management model, which insists on systematic approach to identification, analysis, monitoring, and managing the risks.
Ključne reči: risk; risk management; globalization; investments; strategy; model