Characterization of Serbian spruce variability applying isoenzyme markers

Časopis: Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment

Volume, no: 24 , 1

ISSN: 1314-3530

DOI: 10.2478/V10133-010-0012-8

Stranice: 1600-1605


The Serbian spruce seedling seed orchard at Godovik represents a base for production improvement of selected seed material from this species, which can be used as initial material for extension of its range. This research paper covers the five phenogroups which confirmed the existence of the characteristic traits in the second known generation. To define the genetic distance between the studied phenogroups, to assess intraspecific variability and inbreeding, 16 loci in 12 isoenzyme systems were used. It is recommended to cross the genotypes of the phenogroups “B” and “D” as genetically most similar ones, which would possibly result in a new variety characterised by double-topped semi-dwarf specimens. Along with this model, all other hybridisations among phenogroups “B”, “D”, “F” and “C” are also supposed to be successful. The establishment of an adequate hybridisation model within the above mentioned phenogroups, orientated to unification of their positive ornamental, productive and ecological characteristics, is the next phase of enhancement of the species' genetic structure and its utilisation.
Ključne reči: Serbian spruce, intraspecific variability, isoenzymes
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