Application of SSR markers for assessment of genetic differentiation of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) originating from Javor mountain

Časopis: Genetika

Volume, no: 51 , 3

ISSN: 1820-6069

DOI: 10.2298/GENSR1903103P

Stranice: 1103-1112


The process of plant breeding and conservation of gene pool among other things depends on the knowledge of the level of genetic differentiation. The aim of research in this paper was to determine the genetic differentiation of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) populations of regular type and atypical genotypes with pyramidal crown that can be found on Javor mountain, at the site Ogorijevac. The genetic differentiation of silver fir was determined using SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers. Nine SSR pairs of primers gave 29 alleles, while the average number of alleles was 3.2. The primer NFH15 gave the smallest number of alleles (two), while the primer SF78 gave the greatest number of alleles (five). Dice coefficient of the genetic similarity was used to obtain a dendrogram by UPMGA analysis using NTSYSpc statistical program. The genetic similarity recorded among the individuals P1 and P2 was the largest (0.89), while the populations VI and individual P2 showed the lowest similarity (0.61). Based on the cluster analysis it can be concluded that the studied populations and genotypes of silver fir with different types of crown are clearly differentiated. The basic insight into the level of the genetic diversity of the natural populations of silver fir with the various types of crown has been provided using selected SSR markers. The obtained results can be used for creating further strategy for the conservation of the available gene pool and the regeneration of silver fir forests in Serbia.
Ključne reči: Abies alba Mill., SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers, population, differentiation