Impact of export determinants on the export sector in Republic of Serbia

Časopis: Industrija

Volume, no: 46 , 2

ISSN: 2334-8526

DOI: 10.5937/industrija46-17408

Stranice: 151-171


In order to show the effect of export determinants on the export in the Republic of Serbia,this research comes to examine the correlation between export determinantsand the degree of impact of export determinantson export in Republic of Serbia in the period of 2005-2016. This study applies the SPSS 23 software by Correlation matrix using Pearson coefficient in order to show the connection between export determinantsand export, as well as the Linear Regression Models, in order to show the degree of impact of the export determinantson export. The analysis revealed the existence of the significant correlation between export and several hypotheticalexport determinants–import, GDP, GDP per capita, savings, population, employment, productivity of work, exchange rate, and consumption prices –as well as the impact of those on export. Itstressesas wellthat there is no relationship between export and FDI, investments, andindustrial production.
Ključne reči: correlation, export, macroeconomic indicators, regression