Continuous business and educational processes improvement in higher education institutions through implementation of new technologies

Skup: Human Factors of a Global Society: A System of Systems Perspective

Izdavač: CRC Press

DOI: 10.1201/b17033

Stranice: 348-365


This paper presents a procedure for both business and educational processes reengineering, within higher education institutions, by application of IDEFO and IDEFIX standards and introduction of distance education model. For the purpose of business and management system process improvements, the appropriate CASE tools are used. CASE ERwin tool (Entity Relationships for Windows) is used for process modelling, according to ISO 9001:2000 quality requirements, while CASE BPwin tool (Business Process Windows) is used for data modelling and for generating data base scheme of selected systems in database control. For the purpose of educational processes improvements via distance education model development, the introduction of both synchronous and asynchronous type of information and communication technologies is suggested. For this purpose, introduction of MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) e-learning software platform and additional videoconferencing systems is discussed. The advantages of the above suggested innovations that are considered, include first of all, decrease of time and labour costs and simplification of information acquiring, significant for adoption of important decisions in management. This work method, that includes a design of a unique information system and distance learning system, is a starting point for implementation of a business and educational processes reengineering in higher education institutions.
Ključne reči: higher education, management