Validacija koeficijenta izuzetnosti u proceni likovnih produkata

Časopis: Primenjena psihologija

Volume, no: 11 , 2

ISSN: 1821-0147

DOI: 10.19090/pp.2018.2.227-246

Stranice: 227-246


The new method for measuring product creativity by the constructing of a uniqueness coefficient and a creativity coefficient was tested. A validity, a reliability, an accuracy and a feasibility of the new method were verified in the domain of fine arts, and coefficients are compared with Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT) which is most commonly applied for measuring product creativity. The construction procedure had two steps: 1) 1) categorization of products based on similarity, in line with the principles for processing open-ended questionnaires, followed by testing their intentionality, and then 2) calculating the uniqueness coefficient, as a measure of originality for each drawing, and the creativity coefficient at the level of the variable. The validity and reliability testing of the coefficients was carried out on a sample of 53 students, splitted in two subsamples: the art students and general student population. They were asked to generate drawings, starting from the simple apstract stimuli. The creativity of the drawings was measured by the constructed coefficients and with the CAT in addition. Differences between art students and general population confirmed sensitivity and criterion-based validity of the new measuring method. Positive and statistically significant correlation with CAT scores suggests convergent validity of the coefficients. The results indicate that coefficients enable the accurate, reliable and objective assessments of creative products in the domain of fine arts, at least as good as the CAT can do. Furthermore, the greater cost-effectiveness and availability of the coefficients justify its wider application in the future.
Ključne reči: creativity, fine arts, coefficient construction, validity, reliability