Modern Information Technologies in Higher Education: What Might The Role of a Teacher Look Like in a Modern University?

Izdanje: Proceedings of The International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research Sinteza 2019

DOI: 10.15308/Sinteza-2019-70-76

Oblast: Information Technology in Education and Digital Transformation, Culture and Creative Industries

Stranice: 70-76

A comparison is offered between the nature of the educational process in modern universities and classical universities that existed in the XIX and XX centuries. It is shown that the decline in the quality of education in modern universities is largely due to the significantly increased workload (more than 10 times) over the past hundred years, , which greatly complicates the conduct of research by full-time teachers and actually cancels the principles of Humboldt. It is clear that modern information technologies allow a re- turn to the implementation of Humboldt's principles at a qualitatively new level. This can be provided by transition to the organization of educational process in "autocatalytic" mode when the information resources providing educational process are maintained by professional, non-academic staff. In this case, the role of the professorship is refocused on the performance of curatorial functions.
Ključne reči: University science, quality of higher education, information technologies, teaching staff, modernization of higher education
Priložene datoteke:
  • 70-76 ( veličina: 362,62 KB, broj pregleda: 162 )

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BibTeX format
  author  = {K. Suleimenova, I. Suleimenova and Z. Egemberdyeva}, 
  title   = {Modern Information Technologies in Higher Education: What Might The Role of a Teacher Look Like in a Modern University?},
  journal = {Proceedings of The International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research Sinteza 2019},
  year    = 2019,
  pages   = {70-76},
  doi     = {10.15308/Sinteza-2019-70-76}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 K Suleimenova
A1 I Suleimenova
A1 Z Egemberdyeva
T1 Modern Information Technologies in Higher Education: What Might The Role of a Teacher Look Like in a Modern University?
AD Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Beograd, Srbija
YR 2019
NO doi: 10.15308/Sinteza-2019-70-76
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
K. Suleimenova, I. Suleimenova and Z. Egemberdyeva, Modern Information Technologies in Higher Education: What Might The Role of a Teacher Look Like in a Modern University?, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2019, doi:10.15308/Sinteza-2019-70-76