Sounds Matter

Autori: Marijana Prodanović

ISBN: 978-86-7912-730-3

Broj strana: 182

Izdavač: Univerzitet Singidunum

Kratak opis:
Sounds Matter - A Coursebook on English Phonetics and Phonology aims at introducing the first-year students of English studies to the basic concepts of Phonetics and Phonology. Combining theoretical notions, written in a student-friendly language, with numerous accompanying illustrations and stimulat- ing, graded exercises, this Coursebook does not only encourage students to acquire new concepts but also to monitor their progress and check knowledge of the newly-acquired information. It comprises 15 topic- based, standalone units, covering all the essential topics related to the field. Since it aims at first-year students (yet could be an ideal self-study reference and practice book), the Coursebook assumes no previous knowledge of the subject and thus offers explanations of new concepts when they are first introduced. Apart from providing students with the essentials of the English sounds system, the Course- book also includes occasional references to the sound system of Serbian - not only to remind students of some features related to their mother tongue, but also to help them understand the new concepts better.
Ključne reči: sounds, matter
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BibTeX format
  author    = {M. Prodanović}, 
  title     = {Sounds Matter},
  publisher = {Univerzitet Singidunum},
  year      = 2024,
  pages     = 182,
  isbn      = {978-86-7912-730-3}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Book, Whole
A1 Marijana Prodanović
T1 Sounds Matter
AD Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Beograd, Srbija
YR 2024
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
M. Prodanović, Sounds Matter, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2024.