Ecological Risk Assessment Model for the „Jadar” Project

Autori: Saša Bakrač

Izdanje: Sinteza 2021 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research

DOI: 10.15308/Sinteza-2021-77-82

Oblast: Environmental Data Science Session

Stranice: 77-82

This paper presents a general framework for environmental risk assessment for the project "Jadar" - exploitation and processing of minerals "Jadarit". Conceptually, the paper is set up to provide insight into the applicability of a given model of environmental risk assessment. This model is based on a scientific and proven methodology. The paper emphasizes the complexity of assessment and the need for a broad scientific approach. This environmental risk assessment is based on three potential sources of risk: mining activities, production-industrial activities and the generation of industrial waste. As a possibility of negative impacts on the territory of the "Jadar" project, it is assumed that ecosystems, habitats and the environment would suffer consequences in general. The paper is expected to stimulate discussion and offer a proposal for solving this issue - the problem.
Ključne reči: Environment, Assessment Phases, Stressor, Key points, Conceptual Model.
Priložene datoteke:
  • 77-82 ( veličina: 889,89 KB, broj pregleda: 474 )

Preuzimanje citata:

BibTeX format
  author  = {S. Bakrač}, 
  title   = {Ecological Risk Assessment Model for the „Jadar” Project},
  journal = {Sinteza 2021 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research},
  year    = 2021,
  pages   = {77-82},
  doi     = {10.15308/Sinteza-2021-77-82}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Saša Bakrač
T1 Ecological Risk Assessment Model for the „Jadar” Project
AD Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Beograd, Srbija
YR 2021
NO doi: 10.15308/Sinteza-2021-77-82
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
S. Bakrač, Ecological Risk Assessment Model for the „Jadar” Project, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2021, doi:10.15308/Sinteza-2021-77-82