Activities of the synodical office for pilgrimage tours of the Holy Synod of The Church of Greece

Oblast: Abstract Preview

Stranice: 222-223

The common point that connects all of us and our opinions is that we all have God as a starting point of our existence, and His will as the foundation of the moral evaluation of human behavior. Various religious shrines and monuments represent important physical and spiritual values, whose valorization and promotion are the responsibility of the Synodical Office for Pilgrimage Tours. Pilgrimage should be considered a process involving journeys, sacred centers and symbolic articulations of deep religious messages along with manifestations, recognized not only as the elements of faith, but also as the elements of world heritage, as examples of Christianity’s contribution to humanity, world history, the arts and culture in general adds to the reflections on the spiritual meaning of a pilgrimage visit, as one of the foundations of the moral evaluation of human behavior, and the importance of not giving due consideration to the faith and the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. On the part of the Church, there are principles recommended that should characterize the organization of a “tourism visit” to a religious monument, and there are behavioristic factors that should be considered in order to maintain and respect the holiness of the shrine or monument, particularly the Monasteries, and the Churches which are active parishes. The varied activities of the Synodical Office for Pilgrimage Tours of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece exemplify how the religious and tourism elements can co-exist peacefully and productively, maintaining the desired religious respect. The activities of the Synodical Office among others, regard the promotion of pilgrimage tours, the development and valorization of religious monuments, the facilitation of the visit, and the practices followed. Such activities are targeted at improving the collaboration among various stakeholders of “religious tourism” and the potential they can present, without compromising the holiness of the places. A growing number of pilgrims and visitors to the Holy Monasteries bear witness to the permanence of a culture transcending our transient times and emanating from the spirituality of Christian worship. A reference should be made to the wide range of material manifestations of this transcendent culture (churches, monasteries, holy relics of saints, chapels, pilgrimage shrines, simple abodes for solitary monks [kathismata], holy icons, liturgical books, church utensils, vestments and heirlooms). An emphasis is placed on the great responsibility we bear on our shoulders as heirs to this vast ecclesiastical, cultural, Christian and European heritage. Christian sites of pilgrimage are a part of the world heritage and proof of the contribution of Christianity to mankind. There are no actual museums in the
Ključne reči: spiritual and behavioral characteristics, pilgrimage tours, church of greece
Priložene datoteke:
  • 222-223 ( veličina: 688,52 KB, broj pregleda: 381 )

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BibTeX format
  author  = {S. Katramados}, 
  title   = {Activities of the synodical office for pilgrimage tours of the Holy Synod  of The Church of Greece},
  journal = {},
  year    = 2017,
  pages   = {222-223},
  doi     = {}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Spyridon Katramados
T1 Activities of the synodical office for pilgrimage tours of the Holy Synod  of The Church of Greece
AD Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Beograd, Srbija
YR 2017
NO doi: 
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
S. Katramados, Activities of the synodical office for pilgrimage tours of the Holy Synod of The Church of Greece, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2017, doi: