Quality as a basis for tourism destination competitiveness

Izdanje: SITCON 2016 - Singidunum International Tourism Conference

Oblast: Tourism

Stranice: 1

Understanding the basic limitations of destination management is fundamental
to the achievement of quality and destination competitiveness. In order to
attain quality goals and improve destination competitiveness position, it is
necessary to identify the differences and limitations of destination plans by
overcoming the gap between the destination original plans and real market
circumstances. This refers to the product creation, with all its quality, that
has to be market-oriented. In this context, special importance is given to the
well-planned organizational structuring of destinations. Limitations of destination
quality and competitiveness achievement also refer to the process of
managing a destination in the context of creating a fundamental destination
product bearing in mind that destination management appears as a complex
task. Therefore, this paper identifies and distinguishes between different
approaches in the analysis and creation of destination products with special
emphasis on cooperation, innovation and quality. It further highlights destination
management as being a “complexity-reduction-task”, a new quality
philosophy, and points to the importance of tourism destination as a value
chain and quality achievement in all its parts. In line with this, the paper also
points to the promotion of the cross-linking quality, an integrated concept of
mobility, activity and experience.
Ključne reči: quality, destination management, tourism destination competitiveness
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  • 1 ( veličina: 360,59 KB, broj pregleda: 782 )

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BibTeX format
  author  = {H. Pechlaner}, 
  title   = {Quality as a basis for tourism destination competitiveness},
  journal = {SITCON 2016 - Singidunum International Tourism Conference},
  year    = 2016,
  pages   = {1},
  doi     = {}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Harald Pechlaner
T1 Quality as a basis for tourism destination competitiveness
AD Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Beograd, Srbija
YR 2016
NO doi: 
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
H. Pechlaner, Quality as a basis for tourism destination competitiveness, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2016, doi: