System for Defining Power Quality Indexes and Electrical Consumption Regimes Based on DAQ Devices

Izdanje: Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010

Oblast: Electrical Engineering

Stranice: 97-100

Тhis paper presenttechnical solution based on DAQ Deviceand LabView software platform for defining power quality indexes and consumption regimes in electrical distribution systems or individual loads. System can be used for scientific researches, education process and practice. The main advantage of this system, compared to other well known solutionis a possibility for modification by users, analyzing of electrical and nonelectrical parameters (heating, speed, etc.).
Ključne reči: Power Quality Indexes, DAQ Device, Electrical Consumption Regimes
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BibTeX format
  author  = {V. Gjurov, V. Čikov and R. Kirov}, 
  title   = {System for Defining Power Quality Indexes and Electrical Consumption Regimes Based on DAQ Devices},
  journal = {Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010},
  year    = 2010,
  pages   = {97-100}}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Valentin Gjurov
A1 Vladimir Čikov
A1 Rumen Kirov
T1 System for Defining Power Quality Indexes and Electrical Consumption Regimes Based on DAQ Devices
AD Naučna konferencija Unitech, Gabrovo, Bugarska
YR 2010
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
V. Gjurov, V. Čikov and R. Kirov, System for Defining Power Quality Indexes and Electrical Consumption Regimes Based on DAQ Devices, Naučna konferencija Unitech, 2010