Modified Polyacrylic Glues of Increased Heat Resistance for Industrial Construction

Autori: L. Shutenko

Izdanje: Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010

Oblast: Chemistry and Ecology

Stranice: III

The results of investigating heat resistance, physical and mechanic properties and adhesion of modified polyacrylic glues of cold hardening for industrial construction, in particular for joining anchor bolts and concrete as well as construction elements and structures are presented. The necessity of working out construction polyacrylic glues with increased chemical and heat resistance designed for application in thermal and chemical corrosive conditions at high dynamic and static load has been substantiated. Chemical structure of self hardened two-component acrylic compositions based on polymetilmetacrylate and metilmetacrylate has been analyzed and the methods of modifying their thermal and physical strength properties using active fillers and strengthening intermolecule interaction, forming lateral chemical bonds between macromolecules of polymer as well as maximum exhausting of residual monomer have been proposed.
Ključne reči: poly-acrylic glue, anchor bolt, compound, polymethylmetacrylate, methylmetacrylate, heat resistance, modification, macromolecule, copolymerization, filler, adhesion, strength
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BibTeX format
  author  = {L. Shutenko}, 
  title   = {Modified Polyacrylic Glues of Increased Heat Resistance for Industrial Construction},
  journal = {Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010},
  year    = 2010,
  pages   = {III-484-488}}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 L. Shutenko
T1 Modified Polyacrylic Glues of Increased Heat Resistance for Industrial Construction
AD Naučna konferencija Unitech, Gabrovo, Bugarska
YR 2010
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
L. Shutenko, Modified Polyacrylic Glues of Increased Heat Resistance for Industrial Construction, Naučna konferencija Unitech, 2010