A New Aproach for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: A Minimum Update Method

Izdanje: Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010

Oblast: Mathematics, Informatics and Physics

Stranice: III

In this study, for the diagnosis of tuberculosis, tuberculosis’ symptoms are analyzed and truth table have created by considering the probabilities of tuberculosis (12 symptoms, 212=4096 different cases). According to the probabilities of tuberculosis disease, 6 different cases have accepted as output values and reduced rule bases have obtained whereby minimization method. As a results, we have tried to diagnosis of the tuberculosis disease, according to these output values, we can say a person is tuberculosis disease, if some output cases has (look table3). In this study, we have obtained very good results in diagnosis of the tuberculosis with minimization method. The results of analyses have indicated that reliable, consistent diagnosis and that are feasible to in real life.
Ključne reči: tuberculosis, minimization method, reduced rule bases, diseases, algorithms
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BibTeX format
  author  = {H. Sümbül and F. Başçiftçi}, 
  title   = {A New Aproach for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: A Minimum Update Method},
  journal = {Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010},
  year    = 2010,
  pages   = {III-434-437}}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Harun Sümbül
A1 Fatih Başçiftçi
T1 A New Aproach for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: A Minimum Update Method
AD Naučna konferencija Unitech, Gabrovo, Bugarska
YR 2010
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
H. Sümbül and F. Başçiftçi, A New Aproach for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: A Minimum Update Method, Naučna konferencija Unitech, 2010