Investigation on the Contrast of the Laser Marking Upon Steel Samples Depending on the Speed

Izdanje: Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010

Oblast: Mathematics, Informatics and Physics

Stranice: III

We have discussed a method for determining the contrast of marking obtained by a fiber laser on tool-steel samples in the paper. That method is being used by the laboratory exercise discipline „Laser technology devices” in the Master Degree Course in Optoelectronics and Laser Technique taught in Technical University of Gabrovo. The used modern techniques and equipment during the training, help to increase the students motivation and takes the education process closer to the production condition.
Ključne reči: laser marking, method, fiber laser
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BibTeX format
  author  = {L. Lazov and N. Angelov}, 
  title   = {Investigation on the Contrast of the Laser Marking Upon Steel Samples Depending on the Speed},
  journal = {Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010},
  year    = 2010,
  pages   = {III-422-425}}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Ljubomir Lazov
A1 Nikolaj Angelov
T1 Investigation on the Contrast of the Laser Marking Upon Steel Samples Depending on the Speed
AD Naučna konferencija Unitech, Gabrovo, Bugarska
YR 2010
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
L. Lazov and N. Angelov, Investigation on the Contrast of the Laser Marking Upon Steel Samples Depending on the Speed, Naučna konferencija Unitech, 2010