Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of the Geomtery Stator Plates for Plasma Welding Process

Izdanje: Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010

Oblast: Technologies in Mechanical Engineering

Stranice: II

A genuinely manufactured stator is analyzed by plasma welding. The temperature space is moulded in a separate stator plate by means of the Finite element method (FEM). Numerical experiments are carried out trough FEM and on the basis of the obtained results a mathematical regression model that relates the surface of the area of thermal influence to the geometry of the stator plate is deduced. A onepurpose optimization is accomplished under observation of enjoined restraints.
Ključne reči: Finite element method (FEM), Mathematical modeling, optimization
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BibTeX format
  author  = {M. Petrov and I. Barzev}, 
  title   = {Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of the Geomtery Stator Plates for Plasma Welding Process},
  journal = {Naučna konferencija Uniteh 2010},
  year    = 2010,
  pages   = {II-221-224}}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 M.S. Petrov
A1 I.T. Barzev
T1 Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of the Geomtery Stator Plates for Plasma Welding Process
AD Naučna konferencija Unitech, Gabrovo, Bugarska
YR 2010
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
M. Petrov and I. Barzev, Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of the Geomtery Stator Plates for Plasma Welding Process, Naučna konferencija Unitech, 2010