Promoting Romania’s tourist attractions in the online environment

Autori: Cipriana Sava

Izdanje: Synthesis 2015 - International Scientific Conference of IT and Business-Related Research

DOI: 10.15308/Synthesis-2015-537-540


Located between 43°37’07” and 48°15’06” north latitude and 20°15’44” and 29°41’24” east longitude, in south-central east Europe, and with all relief forms, Romania is one of the countries that can have an important role in the foreign tourists’ preferences. The multitude and variety of tourist attractions all over the country offer numerous leisure time possibilities. Currently, efforts are being made to transform and upgrade the image of Romania as a tourism destination and promote its attractions at international level. Such opportunity is triggered by modern technology that has become a fundamental tool for marketing activities. The creation of websites for the purpose of presenting the tourist offer of Romania enhances the visibility and interest of potential tourists.
Ključne reči: tourism, tourist attractions, promotion, online environment.

Preuzimanje citata:

BibTeX format
  author  = {C. Sava}, 
  title   = {Promoting Romania’s tourist attractions in the online environment},
  journal = {Synthesis 2015 - International Scientific Conference of IT and Business-Related Research},
  year    = 2015,
  doi     = {10.15308/Synthesis-2015-537-540}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Cipriana Sava
T1 Promoting Romania’s tourist attractions in the online environment
AD International Scientific Conference Sinteza, Beograd, Srbija
YR 2015
NO doi: 10.15308/Synthesis-2015-537-540
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
C. Sava, Promoting Romania’s tourist attractions in the online environment, International Scientific Conference Sinteza, 2015, doi:10.15308/Synthesis-2015-537-540