Improvement of the process of school principals’ professional development in the field of management

Izdanje: Synthesis 2015 - International Scientific Conference of IT and Business-Related Research

DOI: 10.15308/Synthesis-2015-359-363


The aim of the research shown in this paper is the examination of school principals’ professional development with the purpose of more efficient organizing of their training in the field of management. The research is related to the professional development and the professional growth of the primary school principals in Šumadija, Pomoravlje and Raška Districts. Research results indicate insufficient additional education of school principals for the role of the manager which they perform; as well as the marginal role the professional development has in increasing school principals’ competence. In that sense the paper indicates that the professional development process should be designed according to the needs of school principals, the specific and current problems of the working environment, that is, the professional development of school principals should link work and learning with the use of practical knowledge.
Ključne reči: management in education, professional development, competence of school principals.

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BibTeX format
  author  = {S. Đorđević, J. Vesić Vasović, M. Radojičić and Z. Nešić}, 
  title   = {Improvement of the process of school principals’ professional development in the field of management},
  journal = {Synthesis 2015 - International Scientific Conference of IT and Business-Related Research},
  year    = 2015,
  doi     = {10.15308/Synthesis-2015-359-363}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Snežana Đorđević
A1 Jasmina Vesić Vasović
A1 Miroslav Radojičić
A1 Zoran Nešić
T1 Improvement of the process of school principals’ professional development in the field of management
AD International Scientific Conference Sinteza, Beograd, Srbija
YR 2015
NO doi: 10.15308/Synthesis-2015-359-363
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
S. Đorđević, J. Vesić Vasović, M. Radojičić and Z. Nešić, Improvement of the process of school principals’ professional development in the field of management, International Scientific Conference Sinteza, 2015, doi:10.15308/Synthesis-2015-359-363