Comparison of TVWS Standards

Izdanje: Synthesis 2015 - International Scientific Conference of IT and Business-Related Research

DOI: 10.15308/Synthesis-2015-47-50


There is an increased interest in deploying wireless broadband access in unlicensed spectrum. Several standardised technologies are considered as potential solutions that could be used in most attractive white space bands - VHF and UHF analogue television bands, but the two most interesting are IEEE 802.22 and 802.11af. Option to choose solution makes pressure on system designers to select most appropriate technology to the application of interest to deploy, so it is necessary to have clear understanding of possibilities of those technologies and to make a list of criteria that the technologies could be compared by. The most attractive TV white space (TVWS) technologies have been compared in this paper regarding technology complexity, throughput, propagation and potential to deploy and future development. It is concluded that multiple standards and technologies are making confusion in the market while 802.11af might have most promising future as being based on long lasting Wi-Fi technology. IEEE 802.11af will have better throughput than 802.22, while propagation effects will be the same for both technologies. Due to the higher transmission power IEEE 802.22 will provide wider coverage areas. Because of that, IEEE 802.22 is seen as good solution for rural broadband and small office – home office (SOHO) environment in rural areas.
Ključne reči: TV white space, broadband access, wireless networks.

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BibTeX format
  author  = {D. Vujić and M. Dukić}, 
  title   = {Comparison of TVWS Standards},
  journal = {Synthesis 2015 - International Scientific Conference of IT and Business-Related Research},
  year    = 2015,
  doi     = {10.15308/Synthesis-2015-47-50}
RefWorks Tagged format
RT Conference Proceedings
A1 Dejan Vujić
A1 Miroslav Dukić
T1 Comparison of TVWS Standards
AD International Scientific Conference Sinteza, Beograd, Srbija
YR 2015
NO doi: 10.15308/Synthesis-2015-47-50
Unapred formatirani prikaz citata
D. Vujić and M. Dukić, Comparison of TVWS Standards, International Scientific Conference Sinteza, 2015, doi:10.15308/Synthesis-2015-47-50